Friday, February 02, 2007

Mud and Cake

I got the new BB fitted in time to head off to Bakewell for the nightride. Derek and Ade rode over from Derek's house to meet me and Steve in the car park.

We did the Bakewell route out of the Vertebrate guidebook. The others had done the route before and claimed to know it well. We still got a little lost a few times, especially in the woods down to the golf course at the end where we developed some new freeridey trails through the mud and leaves.

Did I mention mud? There was plenty, the type that glues itself to your wheels until they drag like a very draggy thing. There was some mist too, and a long grassy slope that had been recently muck-spread. I can still taste it. We all had fun and I felt pretty strong despite being semi exhausted at the start (too many working hours and too little sleep). Maybe I function best when tired? Ade was struggling at the end, so rather than leave him to an hour's slog back to Derek's house (he'd ridden over from there) we loaded his and Derek's bike in the cars and drove back to Derek's country pile.

Derek's missus had made a great looking sponge cake, and the feeding frenzy that followed was quite something. The whole cake disappeared within minutes. It was probably the highlight of the evening...

Cups of tea and gassing meant I didn't get back til after midnight. Up at 6am again for work - I'm not catching up on that sleep am I?

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