What is it? It's a manuscript that has been erased and rewritten, but where the original text can still be traced. The word is sometimes used to describe something where many layers of something have been laid down, one top of the other, each new layer only partly concealing the last. What's this got to do with bikes eh?
I've been accused a many times of not looking after my bikes. Of being 'the world's laziest mechanic', and best of all, of 'neglecting that singlespeed to within an inch of its rusty life.' None of this is true of course. I'm not a bike geek, I'd much rather spend an hour riding than fettling in the garage and this shows. I don't have that fascination with new bling bike bits that most of my riding buddies thrive on. Superlight wheel sets, tyres for every conceivable type of mud, lights that turn night into day, forks that have more knobs than a Boeing 747? No thanks.
I've got my old singlespeed. It's only 4 years old, but looks older. The frame is scuffed, scratched and dented. Every mark on it tells a story, from the big rock dent on the downtube to the bare metal on the chainstays caused by my wonky pedalling style. Some parts of the frame have hardly any paint left at all, like the dropouts in the picture. I could get it resprayed, but then I'd be covering up the layers of memories trapped in all those scratches, it is my palimpsest after all.
nice...i've been thinking of getting a fixed bike, though more with the intention of a a winter trainer/pose value/hill climber(I need all the help I can get there!).
What with having a growing family like yourself I was looking at maybe a Fuji track bike for £300 which is the cheapest fixed machine I have seen...all the ones on ebay(like so much else there) goes for too much...
You bought your fixed as is I am guessing? My brother suggested building one using an old frame, but then again(I've just bought a x bike) I've just been perusing ebay for frames and the like, and the same goes as above...to little for too much...
Anyway, I enjoyed your blog and just thought you might appreciate a shout...any advice regarding a fixed would be appreciated...
Hi Mark, thanks for the positive comments.
I actually ride a singlespeed mountainbike, not a fixed gear. On a singlespeed you can freewheel (if you look at the picture on the blog, the rear cog is actually a screw on BMX style freewheel). I know some people ride fixed gear mountain bikes, but they are few and far between. I bought my singlespeed frame (an On One Inbred) only and built it up.
As for fixie road bikes, I don’t know a whole lot about them, my only road/cross bike is a geared one. I quite like the idea of one as a commuter bike. A friend of mine has a Specialised Langster fixed which is very nice. Bianchi do one too. I’m not sure about prices though.
If I was to buy a complete fixed bike, I’d probably go for an Il Pompino made by On One. Do you know them? I think they do complete bikes for £449? Check out their daft website, www.on-one.co.uk .
I’ll pop something on the blog about it later.
I've just built up a Cotic Roadrat as a fixed commuter - its fab. Gears don't feel 'right' any more (perhaps I ought to seek medical advice about this??....).
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